Your baby sister is very pink, latched immediately and we came home as quickly as Mt Sinai could discharge us. The complete opposite of you, sweet girl. She had no bruises, just a tiny symetric indent on the front of her crown. At one moment Mia's respiration was fast and so she was hooked up in the nursing station to a saturation monitor and the floor pediatrician asked for a complete blook check and blood pressure taken on arms and legs. Everything checked out and the fast breathing was put down to a tight diaper and having just had a feed but hanging out with the sat monitor again naturally took us right back to you. Your sister drinks so much that Momma cannot keep up. Sash, you are such a big little girl and so many people remarked that you helped your little sister by letting us give birth without having to leave you. Many people think the timing is more than just remarkable. And as a veteran of Sick Kids I know you would be so happy that little Mia popped out quick and is pinker than pink and looks so healthy. We spoke of you often and had a long talk with the social worker about you and us and little Mia. I love to think and talk about you Sash because although we miss you so much, and sometimes when we talk of you we have to stop and compose ourselves, we are so proud and amazed by what you did and who you were and we love to share it with people. So, ok, today we are going to choose your coffin, which should be a quick affair because we want our little girl to have a very humble coffin because we think that is the right thing. And then we have to get the notices to The Toronto Star telling everyone about you. And then before we know it, it will be time to meet again on Sunday to put your pretty little shell into the ground with lots of friends. Its really hard not to think of you because all your fun stuff is in the house and I think of you everytime I see chips, and there are a lot of bags of chips in this world. But that's ok, now that Mia has joined us I have lots of time to think of you and you know that I will always talk to you and you live in our hearts forever. And at the same time Mia needs her own love and attention and so we will set up another web log for Mia Ruby so we can link back and forth and let each of you have your own room. Enjoy the picures of your little sister.
Celebrating Sasha and supporting SickKids patient and family centred interprofessional care, staff and family partnership, patient safety, palliative care and Alagille Syndrome. Thanks to family for love and visits, laid back Dr Michael Peer, Dr Jennifer Russell's tireless coordination of LFHC, GI, CCCU, Gen Surg and IGT, all the staff at Hospital for Sick Children and Max and Beatrice Wolfe Centre and final homebound team Stephen Jenkinson, Dr Russell Goldman and TCCAC.
Dear Sash
Your baby sister is very pink, latched immediately and we came home as quickly as Mt Sinai could discharge us. The complete opposite of you, sweet girl. She had no bruises, just a tiny symetric indent on the front of her crown. At one moment Mia's respiration was fast and so she was hooked up in the nursing station to a saturation monitor and the floor pediatrician asked for a complete blook check and blood pressure taken on arms and legs. Everything checked out and the fast breathing was put down to a tight diaper and having just had a feed but hanging out with the sat monitor again naturally took us right back to you. Your sister drinks so much that Momma cannot keep up. Sash, you are such a big little girl and so many people remarked that you helped your little sister by letting us give birth without having to leave you. Many people think the timing is more than just remarkable. And as a veteran of Sick Kids I know you would be so happy that little Mia popped out quick and is pinker than pink and looks so healthy. We spoke of you often and had a long talk with the social worker about you and us and little Mia. I love to think and talk about you Sash because although we miss you so much, and sometimes when we talk of you we have to stop and compose ourselves, we are so proud and amazed by what you did and who you were and we love to share it with people. So, ok, today we are going to choose your coffin, which should be a quick affair because we want our little girl to have a very humble coffin because we think that is the right thing. And then we have to get the notices to The Toronto Star telling everyone about you. And then before we know it, it will be time to meet again on Sunday to put your pretty little shell into the ground with lots of friends. Its really hard not to think of you because all your fun stuff is in the house and I think of you everytime I see chips, and there are a lot of bags of chips in this world. But that's ok, now that Mia has joined us I have lots of time to think of you and you know that I will always talk to you and you live in our hearts forever. And at the same time Mia needs her own love and attention and so we will set up another web log for Mia Ruby so we can link back and forth and let each of you have your own room. Enjoy the picures of your little sister.
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