With the day, she slept soundly, I padded around the house, sat on the porch with a light rain and just breathed and relaxed.
Jeff came by at my Dad's request to clean up the front, edge the bed, mow the lawn, and we chatted over a coffee.
I called Stephen Jenkinson and we arranged a 4pm family meeting with Dr. Russell Goldman, the primary doctor on our home care team. I wanted the family to meet Stephen as he had helped us face our decision squarely.
We'd contacted Heather Rivlin who offers her services to Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep, a group of professional photographers creating tender sessions for paliative care children and families. The session was wonderful, slow, fun - here is a short video clip of Heather snapping pictures with us on the bed, I will post some pictures from the session soon.
Kim came over with Andy Shay cheese and we had a little feast.
Lorna, Marcia and Henry, Lynn and Raina were over when Stephen and Russell arrived. They met Sasha in the kitchen as we run through our concerns and then we all talked. What would help (just loving Sasha), what we wished to avoid (an endless vigil, innumerable phone calls to check the status).
Pam and Reina went to get nails down and Mark visited with Ethan, Theo and 8 containers of delicious pasta. Sean, Marcia and henry visited and I went with Sean for Sasha's first walk around the neighbourhood. She was wide eyed.
When we put her to bed, she went to sleep immediately!
I went out to meet Dom for a few beers on College Street to talk Sasha, life and tech.
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