First Annual Sue MacRae Lecture On Ethics and Patient-Centred Care
“Making Tough Decisions Together: A Family’s Perspective of the Vital Importance of Ethics and Patient-Centred Care”Barbara Farlow BEngSci, MBA
Member of Patients for Patient Safety Canada
Wednesday, 11 June 2008, 4:10 – 5:00 pm
University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics
88 College St., Great Hall
Abstract: Following the tragic death of a loved one, a family seeks healing by struggling to define ethics and patient centred care and by attempting to understand why there seemed to be an absence of both in their circumstance. The lecture is an account of a journey of trying to affect improvements in ethics and patient-centred care, especially in situations pertaining to end-of-life and quality-of-life valuations.
Webcast - click on June 11 2008 lecture (my browser had issues loading)