Monday night, at The Dr Jay Golf Classic, Dad told the story of Sasha's return home to about 288 dinner guests at Lionhead Golf Club and $31,000 was raised at tables immediately afterward for the The Dr Jay Children's Grief Program at The Temmy Latner Centre.
The program estimates the costs for family counseling at $1500. That is one and half bags of TPN (total nutrient) to offer full psycho-social support for the child, parents and siblings. Sasha's picture was on the Dr Jay Golf Classic program front cover, reaching out a finger to touch Mom's lips. Congratulations to the big team of dedicated volunteers who raised several hundred thousand dollars (I will let the Foundation release the staggering amount!).
Out front, the clamatis has five big purple and white flowers this year but at the far back yard wall a single blood red rose is almost hidden in the tangle of small wild stems that peek out of fallen bricks. The space definately needs loving care.
And we love you Sasha, you are in our hearts every day.
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