The February 19th parent education day promoted on SickKids homepage content slider.
We have almost 80 registrants so far and there is still time over the next 24 hours to register and learn about supports, develop strategies and meet other parents and staff.
The event is free and includes refreshments and light lunch. We start at 8.45am and end at 2pm and no one will mind if you pop in for a few sessions of interest if you cannot make the full day.
Margaret Keatings, the staff sponsor of the event, will welcome everyone and hopefully share news on exciting family centered care initiatives underway and in preparation.
Family advisory council member Jody Yielding will then bring you within their family story with Jack in Turning Lemons Into Lemonade.
A wide range of workshops follow in two series: sibling support, patient safety, family legal health program and school rights; and helping your child cope, dealing with the school system and transitions to adult care.
Then after lunch, two presentations will first ask you to help define child and family service excellence and then consider the importance of care for the caregiver (i.e you).
There will be door prizes, students of therapeutic massage offering neck and back rubs and representatives of committees where parents volunteer to help the hospital will be around to talk about opportunities to participate.
Here is the full agenda and online registration.
If you can think of someone who might benefit, please forward or give this wings with the share buttons.
SickKids hospital news twitter account @sickkidsnews (started June 2009) publicizes education day.