The last few weeks you have been especially close to us sweet peach as we work with SickKids on cardiac and palliative nursing awards for family-centred care. We have been tidying up the basement and we brought upstairs all those clothes of yours that Momma packed away because they made her sad. Your little sister is already too big for most of them, so they will remain yours, we will never give them away. Mia is now flicking her hand on everything she likes to touch, it reminds us of your beautiful long fingers and how you would flick the tips of your fingers through books and cards, touching everything in site. It is so quiet in the house as your sister doesn't make nearly as much of a commotion as you used to sweet little girl. You would love her to bits. As time goes by our amazement at having you and spending just a little time with you grows. We think of you everyday Sash. Here is a picture of a lovely afternoon in the summer of 2005 when we pulled out the blowup pool for your first backyard swim and put our toes together in the cool water. We worried the cold water would make you blue so we added hot water, it was lovely to see you in your cute little bathing suit splashing. We miss you so much little one. I was looking at my records which I never got to show you. I wished I could play you more music.
Out of the blue and into the black
They give you this, but you pay for that
And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black.
Hey hey, my my
There's more to the picture
Than meets the eye.
The Queen is gone but she's not forgotten...
Neil Young