Lazy holidays

Sasha stopped bleeding Thursday. We dont know what to make of it after weeks of constant bleeds and transfusions at the hospital but we know it gives us a bit more time together.

Marg came over midday and Pam went over resetting the CADD Plus pump that we use for octreotide. Pamela can now do everything from hep locking her PICC line to injecting vitamins and priming the TPA bag to setting up the octreotide and setting and resetting all the pumps.

The one thing we cannot do, and it was never planned we do, is the sterile proceedures for cap change. I guess that means I have some catching up to do.

Sash went for a walk around Wychwood park with Sam, Pam, Kenny and I and then we slept all afternoon.

Saturday and Sunday were lovely family days with Louis, Irene, Margot and Lynn in from San Diego, San Fran and Montreal. Lots of barbecue and visits and video and, when the family departed, quiet beautiful times in our house.

Last night Sasha didnt want to sleep. As always with her, we dont know if its a little girl playing with us to fight sleep or if something is brewing. She has a bit of a cold. The puffiness on her face from the first few days is now gone.

Heather also sent us the video she made on Thursday. No dry eyes in the house!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:17 PM

    There is some interesting information here about Wychwood Park.
