e-Patient Connections (U.S) and Education Day for Healthcare Communicators (Toronto)

A new seven minute video summing up the 2009 e-Patient Connections Conference is a fast paced intro to patients engaging other patients and health care providers, in this case face to face, but typically from their computers using social media and blogs to present their personal stories and points of view and articulated needs while they conduct research, chat and network.

"KruResearch — March 24, 2010 — A health care revolution is underway. But it's not being driven by a breakthrough drug or policies coming out of Washington, DC. It's being led by empowered patients who are seeking information, sharing data, and selecting their own treatments more than ever before. At e-Patient Connections, a diverse community of health communicators and marketers gathered to explore innovative ways to reach and engage today's digital health consumers."

KruResearch Youtube channel has more videos from the 2009 conference.

The Toronto Academic Health Science Network's Education Day for Healthcare Communicators held on April 30, 2010 featured health care professional communicators including Lee Aase, manager of Syndication and Social Media for Mayo Clinic's patient, family and staff blog and medical and scientific news blog and Louise Kinross, communications manager at Bloorview Kids Rehab and producer of BLOOM, a magazine on parenting children with disabilities that includes a blog, website and monthly e-newsletter.

SickKids paediatric resident Niraj Mistry presented Web 2.0 at Work: Building Healthy Hospital Policy, a collaboration with Shelley Romoff of Public Affairs, Arlette Lefebvre of Psychiatry and Janice Campbell of Quality and Risk Management.

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